Disk Cleanup


Here are the steps to perform a Disk Cleanup on a Windows PC:

  1. Open Disk Cleanup Tool:
    • Press the Windows key on your keyboard to open the Start menu.
    • Type “Disk Cleanup” and select the corresponding result from the search results.
  1. Select Drive:
    • In the Disk Cleanup window, select the drive you want to clean up from the dropdown menu. Typically, this will be your C: drive (system drive).
  1. Scan for Files:
    • Click the “OK” button to initiate a scan of your selected drive. The tool will calculate how much space you can free up by deleting various types of files.
  2. Select Files to Delete:
    • After the scan is complete, the window will show a list of file categories with checkboxes.
    • Review the list and check the boxes next to the types of files you want to delete. These might include “Temporary files,” “Recycle Bin,” “Downloaded Program Files,” “Thumbnails,” etc.
  1. View More Options (Optional):
    • If you want to clean up system files beyond what’s shown in the initial window, click the “Clean up system files” button.
    • This will perform another scan, and you’ll see additional categories such as “Windows Update Cleanup” and “Previous Windows installations.” Check the boxes for the additional files you want to delete.
  2. Confirm and Clean Up:
    • Once you’ve selected the files you want to delete, click the “OK” button to confirm.
    • A confirmation prompt will appear, asking if you’re sure you want to permanently delete these files. Click “Delete Files” to proceed.
  3. Wait for Cleanup:
    • The tool will start deleting the selected files. This process may take some time, especially if you’re cleaning up system files.
  4. Completion and Freed Space:
    • Once the cleanup is finished, the window will display the amount of space that has been freed up on your drive.
  5. Close the Tool:
    • Click the “OK” button to close the Disk Cleanup tool.

It’s recommended to use the Disk Cleanup tool periodically to keep your system clutter-free and maintain optimal performance. Additionally, you can automate this process by setting up a scheduled disk cleanup task using the “Configure Storage Sense or run it now” option in the Settings app on Windows 10 and later versions.
