Operating System PSC Exam


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Set -I : Operating System PSC Exam

  1. Question: What is the primary function of an operating system? Answer: Managing hardware and software resources.
  2. Question: Which operating system is developed by Apple Inc.? Answer: macOS.
  3. Question: What does GUI stand for? Answer: Graphical User Interface.
  4. Question: What is the core component of an operating system? Answer: Kernel.
  5. Question: Which file system is commonly used in Windows? Answer: NTFS.
  6. Question: What does BIOS stand for? Answer: Basic Input/Output System.
  7. Question: Which type of memory is volatile and loses data when the computer is powered off? Answer: RAM (Random Access Memory).
  8. Question: What does UEFI stand for? Answer: Unified Extensible Firmware Interface.
  9. Question: What does CLI stand for? Answer: Command Line Interface.
  10. Question: What is virtual memory? Answer: Using disk space as an extension of RAM.
  11. Question: Which mobile operating system is developed by Google? Answer: Android.
  12. Question: What is multitasking? Answer: Running multiple programs simultaneously.
  13. Question: What is the purpose of a device driver? Answer: Facilitating communication between software and hardware.
  14. Question: What does CPU stand for? Answer: Central Processing Unit.
  15. Question: Which company develops the Windows operating system? Answer: Microsoft.
  16. Question: What is fragmentation? Answer: Disorganization of files on a storage device.
  17. Question: What is the graphical representation of an operating system’s features? Answer: User Interface.
  18. Question: Which operating system is known for its open-source nature? Answer: Linux.
  19. Question: What is the boot loader’s role during startup? Answer: Initiating the operating system’s loading process.
  20. Question: What does RAM stand for? Answer: Random Access Memory.
  21. Question: Which operating system is used primarily on iPhones and iPads? Answer: iOS.
  22. Question: What is a file system? Answer: A method for storing and organizing files on a storage device.
  23. Question: What does DOS stand for? Answer: Disk Operating System.
  24. Question: What is the primary function of a kernel in an operating system? Answer: Managing hardware resources and providing essential services.
  25. Question: Which operating system is known for its strong command-line capabilities? Answer: Linux.
  26. Question: What does OS X refer to? Answer: The previous name of the macOS operating system.
  27. Question: What is BIOS/UEFI used for during the computer startup process? Answer: Initializing hardware components and loading the operating system.
  28. Question: What is the taskbar in an operating system? Answer: A bar that displays running applications and system notifications.
  29. Question: What is the purpose of a firewall in an operating system? Answer: Monitoring and controlling incoming and outgoing network traffic.
  30. Question: Which operating system is based on the Unix-like operating system? Answer: macOS.
  31. Question: What does CLI provide as an interface? Answer: Text-based interaction using commands.
  32. Question: What is Windows Explorer in the context of the Windows operating system? Answer: A file management tool.
  33. Question: What is the role of the boot loader in an operating system? Answer: Loading the operating system during system startup.
  34. Question: What is the role of a device driver? Answer: Enabling communication between software and hardware components.
  35. Question: Which type of memory is volatile and loses data when power is disconnected? Answer: RAM (Random Access Memory).
  36. Question: What is the primary function of an operating system? Answer: Managing computer hardware and software resources.
  37. Question: What is the purpose of fragmentation in an operating system? Answer: It can lead to slower data access and storage inefficiencies.
  38. Question: What does GUI provide in an operating system? Answer: Visual interaction through icons, windows, and menus.
  39. Question: Which operating system is known for its open-source nature and flexibility? Answer: Linux.
  40. Question: What does the term “kernel” refer to in an operating system? Answer: The core part of the operating system that manages hardware resources.
  41. Question: Which part of an operating system interacts directly with computer hardware? Answer: Kernel.
  42. Question: What is the purpose of antivirus software in an operating system? Answer: Detecting and removing malicious software and threats.
  43. Question: What is the role of a bootloader in an operating system? Answer: Loading the operating system during system startup.
  44. Question: Which operating system is known for its user-friendly interface and design? Answer: macOS.
  45. Question: What is the function of an operating system’s file system? Answer: Organizing and managing files and directories on storage devices.
  46. Question: Which component of an operating system manages memory and process scheduling? Answer: Kernel.
  47. Question: What is the purpose of RAM in an operating system? Answer: Providing fast access to data for running programs.
  48. Question: Which operating system is widely used for servers and embedded systems? Answer: Linux.
  49. Question: What is an operating system’s role in managing computer hardware resources? Answer: It controls and coordinates hardware components to execute software instructions.
  50. Question: Which term refers to the graphical representation of an operating system’s features? Answer: User Interface (UI).

Set -II Operating System PSC Exam

  1. Question: What does OS stand for in “Operating System”? Answer: Operating System.
  2. Question: Which operating system is commonly used on smartphones? Answer: Android.
  3. Question: What is the function of the BIOS/UEFI during computer startup? Answer: Initializing hardware components and loading the OS.
  4. Question: What is the primary purpose of a file system in an OS? Answer: Managing how data is stored and retrieved on storage devices.
  5. Question: Which type of memory is non-volatile and retains data even when powered off? Answer: Hard Drive.
  6. Question: What is the graphical user interface (GUI) of an OS? Answer: A visual way for users to interact with the computer.
  7. Question: What is a command-line interface (CLI)? Answer: A text-based method to interact with the OS using commands.
  8. Question: What is the role of a device driver? Answer: Facilitating communication between software and hardware components.
  9. Question: Which company developed the Windows operating system? Answer: Microsoft.
  10. Question: What does RAM stand for in computer terminology? Answer: Random Access Memory.
  11. Question: What is the role of the kernel in an operating system? Answer: Managing hardware resources and providing essential services.
  12. Question: What does “booting” refer to in an operating system context? Answer: The process of starting up a computer.
  13. Question: What is the primary purpose of a firewall in an operating system? Answer: Monitoring and controlling network traffic for security.
  14. Question: Which operating system is known for its open-source nature and customization? Answer: Linux.
  15. Question: What is a GUI-based file management tool in Windows? Answer: Windows Explorer.
  16. Question: Which term describes the software that controls hardware and software resources? Answer: Operating System.
  17. Question: What is the main purpose of virtual memory in an operating system? Answer: Extending the computer’s physical RAM.
  18. Question: What does iOS primarily run on? Answer: Apple devices like iPhones and iPads.
  19. Question: Which component of the OS loads the operating system during startup? Answer: Bootloader.
  20. Question: What is the purpose of multitasking in an operating system? Answer: Running multiple programs simultaneously.
  21. Question: What is fragmentation in the context of file systems? Answer: Files being stored in non-contiguous spaces on a storage device.
  22. Question: Which mobile operating system is developed by Apple Inc.? Answer: iOS.
  23. Question: What is the core component of an operating system that interacts with hardware? Answer: Kernel.
  24. Question: What does GUI provide in an operating system? Answer: Visual interaction through icons and windows.
  25. Question: Which company is known for developing the Linux operating system kernel? Answer: Linus Torvalds.
  26. Question: What is the role of a bootloader in the OS startup process? Answer: Loading the operating system into memory.
  27. Question: What is the purpose of a taskbar in an OS? Answer: Displaying running applications and system information.
  28. Question: Which operating system is known for its sleek design and user-friendliness? Answer: macOS.
  29. Question: What is BIOS/UEFI used for during the computer startup process? Answer: Initializing hardware components and loading the OS.
  30. Question: What does the acronym CLI stand for? Answer: Command Line Interface.
  31. Question: What does RAM do in an operating system? Answer: Temporarily holds data that the CPU uses while processing.
  32. Question: Which OS is developed by Microsoft and is widely used on desktops? Answer: Windows.
  33. Question: What is the primary function of an operating system? Answer: Managing hardware and software resources.
  34. Question: What is the purpose of a device driver? Answer: Enabling communication between software and hardware.
  35. Question: Which OS is known for its high level of customization and flexibility? Answer: Linux.
  36. Question: What is the graphical representation of an operating system’s features? Answer: User Interface (UI).
  37. Question: What does the kernel of an operating system manage? Answer: Hardware resources and system services.
  38. Question: Which part of an operating system interacts directly with computer hardware? Answer: Kernel.
  39. Question: What is BIOS used for in an operating system? Answer: Initializing hardware components during system startup.
  40. Question: What does GUI provide in an operating system? Answer: Visual interaction through icons, windows, and menus.
  41. Question: What is the purpose of antivirus software in an operating system? Answer: Detecting and removing malware and other threats.
  42. Question: Which OS is known for its user-friendly interface and design? Answer: macOS.
  43. Question: What is a command-line interface used for in an operating system? Answer: Interacting with the OS using text-based commands.
  44. Question: What is the main function of the kernel in an operating system? Answer: Managing system resources and facilitating communication.
  45. Question: Which term refers to the graphical representation of an OS’s features? Answer: User Interface (UI).
  46. Question: What is the purpose of RAM in an operating system? Answer: Providing fast access to data for running programs.
  47. Question: What is the main role of an OS in a computer? Answer: Managing hardware and software resources.
  48. Question: What does the boot loader do in an OS? Answer: Initiates the process of loading the OS during startup.
  49. Question: Which company is associated with developing the Windows operating system? Answer: Microsoft.
  50. Question: What does multitasking mean in the context of an operating system? Answer: Running multiple programs concurrently.

All questions are important for Operating System PSC Exam preparation

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